Essence Finding: a Portrait Painting & Coaching Engagement
A Six to 12 Week Coaching Engagement to Create a Portrait of You
Everyone in the world sees a different version of you, and it’s rare to learn exactly how any individual really sees you. I have a combination of gifts and skills that allow me to do exactly that. I will see you through listening, coaching, holding space, and challenging you. I also have a gift of translating source into form. I have the skills and experience to paint the version of you that I see.
This is a gift few people have the opportunity to experience in life. To really be seen, AND to hold in their hands the image of who they are seen as. I am a person who can give this gift.
Over the course of two to three months, the content of your life and what comes up for you, around your image and self-image, will be fuel for coaching sessions with me. You will be invited to go deep and do hard work; maybe work you’ve been putting off for your whole life. You might get homeplay (homework) assignments from me to do a month of self-appreciations or mirror work. You will get as much out of this as you put in. I have experience holding space for all of the muchness in people.
More content will come up and be hashed out as the milestones of the portrait creation process come and go. All the steps leading up to the final reveal and the final coaching session, to process all the body sensations, feelings, and thoughts that arise when confronted with the image I channel from the source of you.
Product Details Sheet
Part 1 - Co-creation Exploration
Every portrait I paint is a collaboration with the Universe and the inspiration that comes through me. I need a spark of inspiration and time to dream and write, so I can sense into my body if I’m a yes or a no to doing a portrait. We do this by having a conversation about what’s important to you, what lights you up, what you are most afraid of, and what you most want for the future. Then, we see what organically comes up through co-creation.
Exploration session to explore what’s to be co-created (20-50 minutes on Zoom or FaceTime)
I wait to see if a dream or vision of the portrait comes to me
Yes | No decision point
Part 2 - Agreement Making
Clear agreements are the container that allows us the freedom to play and push against. I will coach you through making a unique clear agreement with me about who will do what by when, and how we will all know when we are done. If this is new to you, I’m excited about introducing you to the lightness that comes when everyone gets exactly what they most want.
Agree on price (see below)
Complete the first payment of half the price
First and second coaching session on Zoom, FaceTime, or phone
Part 3 - Play
My process is summed up in the words of master teachers Gay and Katie Hendricks: Breathe, Move, Play. I often work from photos. You may have the perfect collection of photos that match the vision that I download, or we may need to make our own. The photoshoot is part of the process, and coaching is woven throughout. Content about your personal image can come up before, during, and after a session like that. Any content that comes up is source material for our coaching sessions.
Photoshoot to capture the exact image we need to capture your essence
Bonus! You get digital copies of all the photos to use for any purpose you want
Reimbursement of any travel, rentals, and/or props for the photoshoot
Third coaching session before, during, or after the photoshoot
Part 4 - Work & Surrender
During this step, I do most of the painting. I will share progress as I work on the painting, even if the progress is that I’m waiting for a wave of creativity to take the next step. We continue to meet for coaching sessions using the content of anything that comes up about the agreement, process, or painting progress.
I start the portrait creation process
Fourth coaching session
I continue to work on the portrait
Fifth coaching session
Part 5 - Reveal & React
This is the scariest part for me! This is when I lean into Basic Trust that what was most supposed to come through me did. This is when I reveal the final portrait via sharing a link to a private page on my website. You get to have your experience of taking the first look, and our next coaching session will be about what comes up when you saw the final portrait.
Final portrait is revealed via a link to a private page on my website
Final coaching session to explore what came up
Part 6 - Delivery and Completions
Final payment of the remaining balance
Payment of shipping costs + shipping insurance (expected $100-$300 for the continental United States)
I ship the final portrait
DELIVERABLES - What you get
Medium, style, and size will vary based on inspiration
6 x 50-minute coaching sessions
Much of my week is reserved for painting, and availability for coaching is limited
Must be scheduled during times I am available for coaching
Monday, 2 - 5 PM Central Time
Tuesday, 2-5 PM Central Time
Wednesdays, 2-5 PM Central Time
Thursday 6-9 PM Central Time
Friday, 9-10 AM, 2-5 PM, 7-9 PM Central Time
Required as photo reference for the portrait
Preferably in-person
Also possible virtually
The client gets high-resolution digital photos that they may use in any way they desire
Unless otherwise negotiated, I will post images and videos of my work-in-process on my website and social media. Additionally, images of the finished portrait will be posted on my website and social media and/or used in promotional materials to better tell the story of my art.
PRICE - Decoding Abundance Mindset in a Capitalistic Society
$10,000. This number can go up or down depending on the details and energy of the engagement.
plus additional negotiated up-front costs like shipping, travel & expenses for a photoshoot, any exotic materials, or sizes over four feet in any dimension).
Every package sold also pays for the same package for someone pushed to the edges of American society; specifically sex workers, transgender people, and non-traditional artists.
The final cost will be arrived at by the client and my feeling into a number that resonates energetically and numerologically and matches the effort by me and access to me during the engagement.
Offer valid through December 31, 2022
My energy and time has the capacity for 10 commissioned portraits per year