A ritual experience of being held tightly and cracked open

Expansion in Surrender

Do you need a coach to tie you up and invite you to face the demons you’ve been avoiding all your life?

I can help.

My unique combination of genius in holding space, coaching, art, and rope bondage come together in an offering that gently holds clients as I take them to their deepest shadows. Importantly, like all journeys, there comes the point where you must surrender and let the medicine take you. My medicine takes the form of bondage and intense sensation combined with skilled execution of coaching models for untangling the underlying context behind all your content issues.

Sometimes, just feeling the pressure and weave of your old broken patterns binding and weighing your body down is enough to make a big change in your life. So much therapy and coaching available today focus on thoughts and brain activity. Clients who do sessions with me work from their bodies.

I use tools from the world of BSDM to turn off your brain. I then ask for and accept the control you surrender over to me for the duration of a session. This technique is so powerful because, while you are still in your body, your brain is simultaneously no longer in full control of that body.

We do our coaching work in this liminal space on your issues normally locked away. We sidestep the protective brain patterns developed in your younger years. I take over control of your patterns so you don’t have to carry them as we do our work.

My authenticity builds a leak-free container that can hold all of you. My gifts manifest in being both gentle and firm-handed at the same time. I make space for your head, heart, and body, and hold the boundaries of that space as tightly as gravity clutches you here on solid ground.

Having your body put into a physical confinement pattern that mimics the mental bonds you’ve been living illuminates your unproductive patterns, sometimes for the first time in your life. When the rope comes off, your body retains the memory of what you broke through.

My specific coaching focus is unlocking sex and creativity. I’m trained in Tantric breathing techniques and hands-on Tantric massage. Any treatments needed to achieve your goals can be negotiated to be included in the container that we co-create.

A Bondage Journey is not for those new to doing their “work.” I work by referral only, except in the case of extraordinary people who are ready for this type of work.

Think you’re ready?

Offering Details

Timeline and Touchpoints

Part 1 - Co-creation

While my custom process has a natural flow, each journey is unique to the person I’m working with. We work together to design a custom experience to get all of our needs met.

  1. Exploration session to explore what wants to be co-created

  2. Review the dangers and safety precautions of bondage and kink-play

  3. Overview of the consent model I use

  4. I tune into my body to see if the inspiration for a journey session manifests

Part 2 - Agreement Making

Clear agreements are the container that allows us the freedom to play and push against. I will coach you through making a clear agreement with me about who will do what by when and how we will all know when we are done. If this is new to you, I’m excited about introducing you to the lightness that comes when everyone gets exactly what they most want.

  1. Agree on price (see below)

  2. All parties: Whole body YES check-in (head, heart, gut, genitals)

  3. Complete the first payment of half the price

Part 3 - Coaching Sessions

In this step, we will meet for coaching sessions to allow me to get a deeper understanding of the issues available to us. Typically ranges from zero to three sessions, though that is subject to change depending on your specific needs as the client. Sometimes we dive right in and trust what most needs to emerge will come, and other times we go slowly with a tactical plan.

Part 4 - Hands-on Bondage Journey Session

We will meet in person and I will take you on a journey that will last 4-6 hours. You’ll not want to plan anything for the day of the journey, and plan plenty of space for integration in the following days.

  1. Final payment is due

  2. Build the container: review consent, safety, and flow of the scene

  3. Mark the start of the journey

  4. Surrender to what most wants to flow through me in service to your healing

  5. Mark the completion of the journey

  6. Aftercare and begin integration

Part 5 - Debrief session

After about a week, we will meet over Zoom to debrief the session and explore what has come up for you. This may complete our work together, or we may choose to follow threads that came out of the session.

  1. Debrief

  2. Explore threads

  3. Define next steps, if any

Where are you located?

I’m spending a few years being nomadic and welcome the adventure of traveling to your location. You can also catch me when I’m on tour in a city near you.

  • St. Louis, MO: August 15 - August 26, 2022

  • Ojai, CA: August 29 - Sept 18, 2022

  • New Zealand: Feb 3 - April 26, 2023

PRICE - Decoding Abundance Mindset in a Capitalistic Society

  • $3,000.

    • This number can go up or down depending on the details and energy of the engagement.

    • Plus additional negotiated up-front costs like travel & location expenses

    • Every package sold also pays for the same package for someone pushed to the edges of American society; specifically a sex worker or transgender person.

      • Free session: Are you a sworker or trans? Both? Email me to get added to the list of folks I do free sessions with.

  • The final cost will be arrived at by the client and me feeling into a number that resonates energetically and numerologically and matches the effort and access to me during the engagement.

Think you’re ready?

Email jason@jasonhanson.com or book a consultation.

Jason’s certifications: YTT200 Yoga Teacher Training, Hendricks Institute Big Leap Coach, NCCJ St. Louis Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Facilitrainer, Conscious Leadership Group Coach, Urban Tantra Professional Training Program Graduate